Upcoming Events

We invite you to attend our public programs, where talented and experienced Jungian analysts share their passionate interests, writing, research, and clinical wisdom. Seminars are open to the public and are currently being held on Zoom until further notice. We look forward to seeing you at a program soon!

Jung, Picasso and The Genius Archetype – Part I with Olga Turcotte, MIM

Date - September 14th, 2024
Time -  1 pm - 3 pm
Cost - $60
On Zoom

P. Picasso, Child with Dove, 1901 Jung and Picasso were contemporaries, two geniuses in their respective fields, who had the ability to delve into the collective unconscious and bring out its contents in a meaningful and relatable form. Their ideas and works deeply reflected the Zeitgeist. Join us to look at some of Picasso’s art from a Jungian point of view. Everything this ...

From Medieval Alchemy to Jungian Psychology, Part II, with Kaye Lindauer, MS, MLS, M.Div

Date - September 18, 2024
Time -  7 pm - 9 pm
Cost - $60
On Zoom

Join us in our second, yet stand-alone seminar to learn more about Jung & Alchemy! Carl Jung discovered that a metaphoric look at the process of the transformation of metals, as it was understood by the alchemist, illuminated his own work on psychological development and individuation process. A historic overview of alchemy will continue to lead into an exploration of core concepts ...

A 6-Week Daytime Dream Group for Previous and New Participants , Writers, Artists, Storytellers, and Clinicians, with Jill Fischer

Date -September 25th - October 30, 2024
Time - Wednesdays: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cost - $150 Adults / $75 Students and Seniors

You are invited to join a small interactive dream group experience for previous attendees and new poets, writers, artists, storytellers, and clinicians interested in exploring their own and the dreams of others. This is not a therapy group, but individuals will learn a method of working with dreams and the creative imagination that will enhance an ...

A 6-Week Evening Dream Group for Previous and New Participants, Writers, Artists, Storytellers and Clinicians with Jill Fischer

Date - September 26th - October 31st, 2024
Time - Thursday evenings: 7 PM - 9 PM
Cost - $150 Adults / $75 Students and Seniors

You are invited to join a small interactive dream group experience for previous attendees and new poets, writers, artists, storytellers, and clinicians interested in exploring their own and the dreams of others. This is not a therapy group, but individuals will learn a method of working with dreams and the creative imagination that will ...

The Art of The Dream, with William J. Ventimiglia, D. Min.

Date - September 28th, 2024
Time-  10 am - 3 pm
Cost- $120
In-person seminar

What is a dream?  In his Zarathustra Seminar Jung opines: “…our dreams are like windows that allow us to look in . . .  to that psychological process which is continually going on in our unconscious.”  What does this window reveal?  The dream is an aesthetic creation of the unconscious emerging from the trends of conscious everyday living against ...

Fairy Tales, with Laura Martin, PhD.

Date - October 12, 2024 Time -  1 pm - 3 pm (Boston/EST) /6 pm - 8 pm (London/GMT) Cost - $60 On Zoom In this seminar, we will first look at the history of fairy tales in order to discern just what a fairy tale is, in contradistinction from other forms of traditional fantastical narratives, such as myths and legends. Too often this factual layer is missing in psychological readings of tales! If a fairy tale is the dream of ...

ARCHETYPES OF PLACE AND PLANET: Exploring the Depths Around and Within Us, with Craig Chalquist, Ph.D.

Date - October 15, 2024 Time -  6 pm - 8 pm (EST) Cost - $60 On Zoom C.G. Jung behaved as though the things of the world around him - everyday objects, houses, landscapes - were presences that addressed us continually. “Hence at bottom,” Jung wrote in Man and His Symbols, "the psyche is simply ‘world.’" Terrapsychology follows up on this idea by offering tools for tracing how our possessions, homes, surroundings, and planet show up inside us ...

C.G. Jung & Alcoholics Anonymous with Charles R. Fox, O.D, Ph.D.

Date - October 26th, 2024
Time-  2 pm - 4 pm
Cost- $90
In person - Space is limited

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a 2 million member international mutual aid fellowship to help members achieve and maintain sobriety. While studies of AA's efficacy have produced inconsistent results, it is undeniable that Alcoholics Anonymous has had a significant and long term effect on American and international culture. Jung’s influence on the founding of AA is not widely known; his influence ...

Jung, Chagall and The Genius Archetype- Part II with Olga Turcotte, MIM

Date - November 23, 2024
Time -  1 pm - 3 pm
Cost - $60
On Zoom

Join us in our second, yet stand-alone seminar on Jung and the genius archetype, where we are going to look at and discuss some of Marc Chagall’s paintings from a Jungian point of view. Marc Chagall, I and the Village, 1911 Mark Chagall (1887-1985), an almost-contemporary of Jung, is considered one of the greatest image-makers of the 20th century. He was a ...