Analyst Training Program

We are now offering Diversity Scholarships.
Click here to learn more

The C.G. Jung Institute – Boston was established in 1977. On July 1, 2020 The New England Society of Jungian Analysts merged with the C.G. Jung Institute – Boston to form the C.G. Jung Institute of New England, Inc. Its aims are to advance the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung and to train carefully selected people to become Jungian analysts.

The C.G. Jung Institute of New England, Inc. is one of only a few postgraduate psychoanalytic training programs that do not require previous clinical training. Instead, and in keeping with Jungian tradition, the Institute includes both licensed clinicians and talented people with graduate degrees from other academic disciplines. We believe that such diversity enriches the learning process of each individual candidate, as well as the depth and quality of the training program.

Our training model combines in-person and on-line training weekends. In the fall semester this consists of two in-person training weekends and two online training weekends. In the spring semester there are two in-person training weekends and three online training weekends.

Components of Training

The training program is broadly divided into two phases, Stage I and Stage II. The entire training requires a minimum of five years to complete. During Stage I, a candidate will train for at least two years, with a focus on incorporating theoretical material and learning approaches to symbolic thinking and symbolic process. A minimum enrollment of three years is required in Stage II, where the focus shifts to clinical application and integration of theoretical material.

Personal analysis is a central component of the training process, and each candidate is expected to be in analysis throughout the course of training. A requirement of a minimum of 350 hours of analysis will be completed in order to qualify for graduation. The container of analysis is sacrosanct and not open to evaluation or intrusion from other areas of the candidate’s training.

Courses and seminars cover a wide range of topics relevant to the understanding of the psyche and the practice of analysis. An in-depth study of analytical psychology, including a comprehensive reading of Jung’s work, lays the foundation for the study of other schools of analytic thought, along with other relevant clinical approaches to psychotherapy and the ongoing evolution of contemporary Jungian thinking. A candidate may also need to obtain additional knowledge through self-study in order to prepare for the Stage I examinations.

A critical component in becoming an analyst is seeing patients or analysands under the supervision of a case consultant. Most candidates begin this process as they enter Stage II of their training, but those already licenses as mental health professionals may start this process in Stage I.

All candidates are assigned to a Training Committee consisting of three members who will follow their progress throughout training. A candidate meets with his or her three Training Committee members once each semester. The Training Committee members review a candidate’s experience of training and support the candidate in his or her analytic development. Training Committee members function as both guides and evaluators for the duration of the candidate’s training process.

There is a group process built into the coursework each semester, which is facilitated in the Tavistock method. This group process, along with participation in the formative training program, provides a level of extraverted development and relatedness that helps deepen the training process and add greater understanding of the unconscious as it lives in group life.

There are two examinations built into the training program. The first occurs when a candidate has fulfilled the requirements in Stage I and wants to begin Stage II. The second is a final examination when all other requirements have been met.

Before entering into the final exam, the candidate writes and defends a thesis that reflects critically on one chosen area of Jungian psychology and its practical application. The thesis is the candidate’s demonstration of competence in the use of theoretical and clinical material, as well as the ability to think psychologically.


Stage I

Stage I candidates are referred to as Training Candidates. The major focus of Stage I consists of an extensive study of hermeneutics, or the art of interpreting and understanding the significance of the symbolic material found in myth, dreams, and fairy tales. Also during Stage I, cultural and archetypal material drawn from anthropology and the history of religion is explored. This is to ensure that the broadest possible content is provided as a backdrop for candidates to gain an understanding of such matters as personal development, creative expression, trauma, psychopathology, and all forms of psychological, emotional, and spiritual suffering. 

  • Stage I candidates are required to complete 600 hours of a clinical practicum in a mental health facility that includes a population suffering from diverse and severe disorders, under weekly supervision with a licensed mental health clinician. Candidates who are licensed mental health professionals may be given credit for previously completed practica.
  • Candidates are required to attend all seminars. Since it is not expected that seminars will cover all necessary materials, candidates are responsible for self-directed study based on suggestions from their Training Committees, and are also encouraged to explore and utilize other educational institutions in the Greater Boston area.
  • During Stage I, candidates must submit for approval two original papers dealing with symbolic and theoretical materials.
  • While a satisfactory personal analysis of no less than 350 hours is required for graduation, at least 200 of these hours must be completed in Stage I. It is expected that candidates will work with more than one analyst, preferably one male and one female, before the end of training.
  • Upon completion of Stage I requirements and with the approval of the Training Committee, a candidate is permitted to take Stage I exams, which include a two-day written and oral qualifying exam. The purpose of the exam is to explore how the candidate has personally integrated this material. The exam will cover the following areas of required knowledge:
    • Analytical Psychology
    • Theories of Depth Psychology
    • Theory of Dreams
    • Practice of Analysis
    • Psychopathology
    • Comparative Religion
    • Mythology, Legends, Folktales, and Fairy Tales
    • Anthropology and Archetypal Patterns in Culture


Stage II

Stage II candidates are referred to as Diploma Candidates. During Stage II, emphasis is placed on the integration of Jungian theoretical concepts with sound clinical practice. Candidates discuss cases in Institute seminars, called case colloquia, as well as during individual or group consultation. In addition, during Stage II, Diploma Candidates are required to write an original diploma thesis. After successfully defending the diploma thesis and proving their analytical ability during final examinations, candidates are qualified to graduate and receive the Diploma in Analytical Psychology. They are then welcomed as a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of New England, Inc. and the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP)”. Here are the requirements for completion of Stage II:

  • Diploma Candidates must complete 750 hours of one-on-one analytic work with at least ten analysands, including three cases of at least 70 hours.
  • Five Case Reports will be written and accepted by a Diploma Candidate’s Training Committee in Stage II.
  • Supervisory Case Consultation with an analyst will consist of no fewer than 250 hours. Fifty of these hours may be satisfied by attending case colloquia. If a candidate is a licensed clinician, 100 of these case consultation hours can be completed during Stage I.
  • Diploma Candidates are expected to attend all case colloquia and advanced clinical seminars, during which time a candidate is required to make oral presentations on their cases.
  • Prior to Stage II exams, a candidate will complete and defend a thesis. The thesis will demonstrate competence in the use of theoretical material as well an ability to think psychologically.
  • Upon completion of the thesis project, a Diploma Candidate can ask his or her training committee for consent to sit for the final examination.
  • The final examination assures that the Diploma Candidate has a thorough understanding in the following areas:
    • Therapeutic Techniques
    • Dream Theory and Interpretation
    • Uses of Material from the Unconscious
    • Psychological Assessments and Diagnosis
    • Individuation
    • Mental Health Laws and Professional Ethics


Application Information

A limited number of applicants will be considered each year to become candidates for the Analyst Training Program at the The C.G. Jung Institute of New England, Inc. Admissions requirements for the Analyst Training Program include the following:

  • A Master’s degree or higher from an accredited institution in any discipline.
  • At the time of application, the applicant must have completed 100 hours of analysis with a member or members of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP). The 100 hours may be in-person, virtually, or any combination of both.  In addition, upon application, the applicant must currently be in an analysis with an IAAP member. A letter from the analyst(s) confirming the applicant’s current status and documenting the total hours of analysis must be submitted with the application.
  • Two letters of reference from individuals who are familiar with the applicant’s character and, if appropriate, suitability for training.
  • An autobiographical essay. The autobiography should be an accounting of the meaningful internal and external events of one’s life.  Capacity for self-reflection on the primary symbols of a significant dream or synchronicity of one’s life might be included in the autobiography.  In addition, the applicant should address his or her ability to tolerate and grow from challenging internal dynamics.

The application process will place special emphasis on the life experience and personal qualities of the applicant, his or her academic and professional achievements, and the applicant’s demonstration of an aptitude for understanding basic Jungian theory.

Stage I classes will meet one weekend a month for 9 months, September through December and February through June generally the first weekend of each month.  Classes meet Friday evening from 4:00-8:00 PM, Saturday 9:00-6:00 and Sunday 9:00-4:00 for an total of 18 hours of class time each weekend.

When candidates are accepted into Stage I, they are assigned to a Training Committee, which will guide and evaluate them throughout the rest of the program. Continuation or termination of the program will be at the discretion of these Training Committees. In all cases, however, the Training Board reserves the right to terminate the training of any candidate at any stage of training.


Application Process and Deadline

We are accepting applications for the Spring 2025 training and auditor programs, deadline October 1st.

  • Should you wish to apply please contact our administrator Deborah Warfield to request an admissions packet.
  • Applications must be received before May 1st for the fall admission and October 1st for the spring admission.
  • There is a non-refundable application fee of $100.00. Once the Admissions Committee has reviewed the application materials, the applicant will be notified by mail whether they have been granted admission interviews. There is a non-refundable interview fee of $350.00.

Please address all correspondence to:

Admissions Committee
The C.G. Jung Institute of New England, Inc.
21 Hartford Street
Newton, MA 02461

Telephone: (617) 796-0108
Fax: (617) 796-0109



Application Fee $100
Interview Fee $350
Tuition and Evaluation Fees (two payments per year) $3,000
Stage I Examination Fee $450
Thesis Examination Fee $600
Stage II Examination Fee $450

Fees for personal analysis and individual case consultation must be arranged individually with analysts who are members of the Institute.

The Institute will give a full refund of tuition and evaluation fees if the candidate withdraws by the second day of class. For later withdrawals, the candidate
may petition the Institute Training Committee. A prorated reimbursement may be given under special circumstances. Candidates on leave are charged half tuition.

The Institute is offering two Diversity Scholarships for training (see below), and some funds are available for loans to Training and Diploma Candidates.


Scholarships to Further Racial Diversity

The Institute welcomes applications from persons who will assist us in moving closer to the ideals of diversity either

• by increasing the racial diversity of our training program or
• by enriching it with a record of outstanding clinical service to racially diverse populations.

For applicants who meet our admission criteria, two candidate-in-training scholarships are available which cover the first two years of tuition in the training program, with a possibility of extending to three years. We also offer a reduction in the application fee and many of our analysts offer reduced fees for the training analysis, and for the 100 hours of analysis required before applying to the training program.

For applicants who believe they may qualify for a Diversity Scholarship if they are accepted as a candidate-in training at the Institute, or are looking to obtain the Scholarship benefit of working with an analyst at a reduced fee per session in order to obtain the 100 hours of analysis required to apply for the training program, please contact the Institute office at (617) 796-0108 or, and ask for a Diversity Scholarship application.


Our Commitment to Address Structural Racism and Other
Discriminatory Beliefs and Practices

We believe that the development of consciousness to its fullest potential depends on the degree to which diversity is valued and attained within our collective structures and within ourselves. Only too often, physical traits of some have been given arbitrary designations of inferiority, dividing us into separate and unequal groups that hide the bonds of our interconnection, which can reveal a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. A pattern of structural racism, along with other discriminatory beliefs and practices, has impeded the realization of the richness and value of diversity throughout history. While the burden of structural racism has profoundly impacted all people of color, including but not limited to people of African descent, Middle Eastern descent, American Indians, Pacific Islanders, Asians, or Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latina and Latinos, structural racism in America has been especially egregious for persons of African and Native American descent.

Regrettably, Jung and the Jungian community have not been immune to these prejudices, and we must now as a community acknowledge and take responsibility for racist ideas and other discriminatory beliefs and practices that have been interwoven into Jungian thought. Identifying and addressing these areas of racist preconceptions and other prejudices is an evolving struggle that takes persistent commitment as well as open and honest dialogue within a diverse setting.

The C.G. Jung Institute of New England, Inc. is a post-graduate training program that is accredited by the American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis, Inc. The Institute does not discriminate with regard to sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, physical disability or national origin in any aspect of its training program.