THE GOLDEN KEY: The Relationship between the Mother Complex, the Mother Archetype and the Self with Nan Parry

Date – March 1st, 2025
Time- 1 pm – 3 pm EST / 6 pm – 8 pm London Time
Cost- $60
On Zoom


This seminar explores the relationship between the mother complex, the mother archetype and the Self. We consider both archetypal and developmental perspectives to explore the effect of our experience of ‘Mother’, revisiting Neumann’s seminal insight that the personal mother functions as ‘locus of incarnation’ of the Self. When yearning for connection is thwarted, a negative archetypal constellation ensues; the symbolic realm is foreclosed. Exploring clinical material, we witness how the re-emergence of arrested longing may coincide with reawakened symbolic capacity. The regressive pull through the wounds of the personal mother complex proves purposive: facilitating a vital, restorative process of connection to the creative potentialities of the Self.

Nan Parry is a Jungian Analyst and Supervisor with GAP, London. She read Modern and Medieval Languages at Jesus College, Cambridge, where she was awarded a Foundation Scholarship. She worked as a journalist and editor before taking the MA in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies at the University of Essex. She sees patients, trainees and supervisees at her Central London practice and online. She has taught on the GAP analytic training, at the C G Jung Club, London, at IGAP, and as Honorary Lecturer on the Jungian MA at the University of Essex.


Date and Time:

Saturday, March 1st, 2025
1 pm – 3 pm  EST/ 6 pm – 8 pm London Time
on Zoom

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


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” THE GOLDEN KEY: The Relationship between the Mother Complex, the Mother Archetype”
Cost: $60
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The Wisdom of Andean Shamanism, Depth Psychology, and Quantum Theory with Deborah Byron, Ph.D.

Date – March 12, 2025
Time –  7 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost – $45
On Zoom

The wisdom of Andean shamanism dovetails with concepts from depth psychology and quantum physics provides an enhanced awareness of reality with profound healing effects, providing a wide-ranging perspective on experiences central to contemporary depth psychology.  The conceptual framework of quantum theory reveals underlying links between mystical and clinical experience. This presentation will weave together interpersonal and Jungian analytic perspectives, informed by indigenous Andean shamanism, and contemporary scientific understanding of time in an exploration of a more expansive vision of the world.  It will provide different perspectives on experiences central to contemporary depth psychology – i.e., the subjective experience of time and trauma.


Deborah Bryon  Ph.D. is the author of three books and several articles, including her latest book, Time and trauma in analytical psychology and psychotherapy: The wisdom of Andean shamanism (Routledge, 2024). She will draw on her experience as a psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst as well as her immersion in Andean shamanistic practice.

Date and Time:

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
7 pm – 8:30 pm on Zoom
Cost: $45


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” The Wisdom of Andean Shamanism, Depth Psychology, and Quantum Theory ”
Cost: $45
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*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at

Folktales as Mirrors with Terry Lee, Ph.D.

Date – March 22, 2025
Time-  10 am – 1 pm
Cost- $90
In-person seminar

“Fairy tales are the purest and simplest expression of collective unconscious psychic processes…They represent the archetypes in their simplest, barest, and most concise form. ” Fairy tales “mirror the basic patterns of the psyche more clearly” than other mythological materials.
 Marie-Louise von Franz, The Interpretation of Fairy Tales, 1996, p. 1

Folk/fairy tales are archetypal, passed down through many cultures and generations, but they may also mirror our contemporary, individual psyches. This seminar will work to explore possibilities for us to have personal encounters with tales, even familiar and loved ones. In addition to using Jungian insights for a close look at a few tales, we will have an interactive workshop to begin exploring what a personal relation to a tale could be like.

“Like the persons we encounter in our dreams, the characters we remember from folktales often embody issues of pressing personal concern” (Folktales as Therapy, Verena Kast, 1986/1995, p ix).

This 3-hour seminar will present lecture and discussion, in addition to an interactive workshop.


Terry Lee, Ph.D., is a retired literature professor who has explored Jungian approaches to stories, including John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost; Raymond Carver’s short stories; and Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughter-House Five. He has taught classes in psychological approaches to literature, as well as a class in psychological approaches to folk/fairy tales for lifelong learners at Brandeis University. He is the author of A New Path at Midlife: Transformative Relationship & Story for Men (2007, Men’s Studies Press), a Jungian exploration of masculine identity.


Recommended reading:

  • Folktales as Therapy, Verena Kast, 1986/1995.
  • The Interpretation of Fairy Tales, Marie-Louise von Franz, 1996.
  • The Hard Facts of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Maria Tatar, 1987/2003

Date and Time

Saturday, March 22, 2025
10 am – 1 pm
Location: 21 Hartford Street, Newton, MA 02461
Cost: $90

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at



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“Folktales as Mirrors”
Cost: $90
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Jung & Symbols -Water, Tree, Mountain and Other Natural Symbols with Olga E. Turcotte, MIM

Date – April 2, 2025
Time –  7 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost – $45
On Zoom

The Goddess Nun raising the Sun

Join us to look at symbols from a Jungian point of view, in a fun and friendly atmosphere!

Symbols build the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious worlds and are essential for a healthy psyche. They are, at times, the best medium to articulate that which is in the unconscious and to bring it into consciousness.

From a general point of view, learning about symbols is like being proficient in a universal language. From a clinician’s point of view, knowing more about symbols is an invaluable resource.  From a client’s point of view, this knowledge helps understand the psyche better and eventually become one’s own analyst and therapist, as Jung repeatedly said.

In our Seminar, we are going to look at symbols in general, and the symbolism of water, tree, and mountain and other natural symbols, in particular, as time permits.

The seminar will have a lecture, image sharing, discussion and Q & A component. We encourage the participants to share their favorite natural symbol with the group to the extent they feel comfortable.

Olga E. Turcotte, M.I.M, is the current Public Programs Director and Public Member of the Institute Board. She is a lecturer based in Cambridge, MA.
Her specific fields of interest are literature, religion and symbols.

Date and Time:

Wednesday, April 2, 2025
7 pm – 8:30 pm, (EST) via Zoom
Cost: $45

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


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“Jung & Symbols -Water, Tree, Mountain and Other Natural Symbols”
Cost: $45
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“Why Do We Cry When We Encounter Beauty?” with Melinda Haas, LCSW

Date – April 16th, 2025
Time –  7 pm – 8:30 pm
Cost – $45
On Zoom

The line between beauty and sadness is often blurred or nonexistent. Each of them seems to engender a kind of overflowing that creates or contributes to our tears. In The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows we learn that the original meaning of the word “sadness” was fullness, as in satis. Through music, poetry and thought, this presentation will tease apart depression or despair from sadness. In so doing it will become clear how depression actually prevents the experiencing of sadness and beauty. Through clinical and musical example we will try to understand how beauty is capable of reaching into the deepest, fullest, and perhaps saddest parts of our being.


MELINDA HAAS, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst and musician. She practices, teaches and supervises in New York, Vermont and Massachusetts. Her papers on music and C. G. Jung have been presented at IAAP congresses in Barcelona, Montreal, and Vienna. Presently she is writing a paper for the Zurich Congress this summer. Her essays are published in Music and Psyche: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Explorations. Ms Haas is past president and still serves on the board of ARAS, the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism.

Date and Time:

Wednesday, April 16th, 2025
7 pm to 8:30 pm, (EST) via Zoom
Cost: $45

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


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“”Why Do We Cry When We Encounter Beauty?” ”
Cost: $45



A 6-Week Daytime Dream Group for Previous and New Participants , Writers, Artists, Storytellers, and Clinicians, with Jill Fischer

Date – April 16th – May 21st, 2025
Time – Wednesdays: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Cost – $150 Adults / $75 Students and Seniors
On Zoom

You are invited to join a small interactive dream group for writers, artists, storytellers and clinicians interested in exploring their own and the dreams of others. This is not a therapy group, but individuals will learn a method of working with dreams and the creative imagination that will enhance their understanding of how dreams can influence their creative projects. Clinicians will also learn to use this method in their work with clients.




During the dream group, participants will be guided to re-enter the landscape of each participant’s dreams. A slow and careful exploration of the dream images, from a variety of perspectives, elicits sensations and affective states that are experienced in the body. This work is known to lead to an increased depth of the creative imagination and a profound sense of one’s own humanity.

Dates and Time:
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
on Zoom


Wednesdays: April 16, 23, 30; May 7, 14, 21, 2025

Cost: $150
Students and Seniors: $75


*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


This group will be led by Jill Fischer, PsyA, APRN, BC, IAAP, a Jungian Analyst and a board-certified advanced nurse practitioner with worldwide experience working with the dreams of individuals and groups both in-person and on the Internet. She is a training analyst at the CG Jung Institute-Boston and past president of the New England Society of Jungian Analysts (NESJA). She is presently the Director of Clinical Services at the Malinalco Healing Sanctuary and Co-Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the IAAP. Jill co-wrote the section on Embodied Imagination in Barrett, Diedre and McNamara, Patrick, editors. Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams [2 volumes]: The Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of Slumber, Greenwood, 2012.



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“6 Week Online Daytime Dream Group”
Cost: $150
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“6 Week Online Daytime Dream Group – Students and Seniors”
Cost: $75

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Did God Shed a Tear? Reverence for the Oppressor: Slaughter of the Innocent with Michael Conforti, Ph. D.

Date – April 26th, 2025
Time-  10 am – 1 pm
Cost- $90
In person

D. Ghirlandaio, The Slaughter of The Innocents, 1490

And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham:
Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering…”

Genesis 22:1-2

Elie Wiesel taught us that silence only serves the aggressor and never the victim, and as we linger in our muted silence regarding, “Crimes Against Humanity”, our own hands will forevermore carry the stain and blood of the victims. Not only have we become accomplices, but sin-eaters for the heartless dictators responsible for wars and legislations against human decency.

Who could have ever imagined that in the second decade of the 21st century, we would be witnessing such ongoing Crimes against Humanity? Legislation controlling women’s reproductive rights, an escalation of war worldwide, a rise in dictatorship, and unimaginable hatred of others, all spreading like a cancer throughout the world. Each speaks to the emergence of contents from the dark unconscious, terrorizing humanity, and taking hostage all who cross its path. The uncomfortable truth is that these acts have been repeated throughout history confirming their origins within the domain of the archetypal.

This inquiry into the nature of violence has been addressed by many, including the collaboration of Einstein and Freud chronicled in their book Why War.
Jung also commented about the proliferation of unimaginable violence in his patients’ dreams, prior to the outbreak of WW II. In the United States, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s, and Rosa Parks’ acts of resistance awakened our collective awareness to the atrocities of slavery and racial prejudice and abuse. These pioneers sought to know something about the nature of these dark, irruptive forces within the Psyche in the hopes of stemming the tide of ongoing slaughter.

It is too easy to gloss over the power of these archetypal forces at play. Researchers have looked to humanity’s hunger for power and supremacy as the unconscious motivation for these atrocities. However these will never fully capture the longevity and enormity of these forces. A Jungian understanding of pre-figured, innate, archetypal dynamics and the emergence of contents from the collective unconscious may more fully address some of these perennial questions such as the contagious nature of violence and hatred.

This presentation addresses the emergence of violence and its justification and denial. It presents the findings that throughout history transgressors are not only rewarded but revered, while their victims are rarely, if ever, given a second thought. “Basta cosi!” Enough! -this has gone on far too long and far too many of our loved ones will never return home to our tables to share a meal. It is imperative that we learn about the archetypal nature of these events if we are to have any hope.

Dr. Michael Conforti, Founder and Director of the Assisi Institute. He is a faculty member at the C.G. Jung Institute of Boston, the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, and for many years served as a Senior Associate faculty member in the Doctoral and Master’s Programs in Clinical Psychology at Antioch New England. A pioneer in the field of matter-psyche studies, he is actively investigating the workings of archetypal fields and the relationship between Jungian psychology and the New Sciences.

Date and Time:

Saturday, April 26th, 2024
10 am – 1 pm
Cost: $90

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


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“Did God Shed a Tear? Reverence for the Oppressor: Slaughter of the Innocent ”
Cost: $90
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