Archive for the "Public Programs" Category

Visiting Lecture Series: “Rock Bottom of the Soul”, with Allan Guggenbühl

Date – November 2, 2024
Time-  9:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Cost- $50
On Zoom



“Rock Bottom of the Soul”

How do we deal with issues, complexes, or personality traits which are stronger than us and leave us helpless? Psychotherapy doesn’t seem to work and conscious insight remains hot air. In the lecture the possible psychological and psychopathological/archetypal backgrounds of these dark sides of the soul will be reflected and possible strategies presented.


Date and Time:
Saturday, November 2, 2024
9:30 am – 12:30 pm EST on Zoom

Cost: $50
2.5 MHC and SW CEUs will be available ($15 CEU fee)


Learning Objectives:

-Participants will gain some insight into the possibilities and limits of psychological reflection and psychotherapeutic work.

-Participants will understand how archetypal aspects of stories can act as healing bridges to the inner world, while also linking inner and outer worlds.

-Participants will learn how a story may be an opportunity to understand shadow or hidden motives through which one may face challenges and make a new start.

-Participants will appreciate the role of imagination in psychological healing.

-Participants will understand how stories can be used for constructive conflict resolution.

-Participants will understand how collective problems are individual problems.

Suggested reading: Allan Guggenbühl (2023) The Power of Stories. Chiron Publications.


Dr. Guggenbühl is Jungian Analyst working in Zürich, Professor Emeritus of the University of Education of the State of Zürich, Director of the Institut of Conflict Management of Zürich, and is a former classical guitarist. He developed the group therapy approach, Mythodrama, which promotes growth and healing through the use of stories that mirror group issues. His most recent book is “The Power of Stories: Mythodrama: Conflict Management and Group Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents using Stories” (2023).





“Rock Bottom of the Soul”
Cost: $50
Quantity = *CEU (Continuing Education Unit) – Please add the quantity of “1” if you wish to receive CEUs for this program. CEUs are $15 per program.
Quantity =


“Rock Bottom of the Soul – Institute analyst member registration
Cost: Free
Quantity = *CEU (Continuing Education Unit) – Please add the quantity of “1” if you wish to receive CEUs for this program. CEUs are $15 per program.
Quantity =


C.G. Jung & Alcoholics Anonymous with Charles R. Fox, O.D, Ph.D.

Date – October 26th, 2024
Time-  2 pm – 4 pm
Cost- $90
In person – Space is limited

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a 2 million member international mutual aid fellowship to help members achieve and maintain sobriety. While studies of AA’s efficacy have produced inconsistent results, it is undeniable that Alcoholics Anonymous has had a significant and long term effect on American and international culture.

Jung’s influence on the founding of AA is not widely known; his influence is interesting for two main reasons. First, it is rare that a failed clinical intervention has such an impact on the world. Next, it suggests that we need to be widely interdisciplinary in our understanding of health & wellness.

This thesis will be expanded & explored during the presentation.

*Some learning objectives to be met at the end of each seminar

1)    To understand C. G. Jung’s Influence on the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous.

2)    To trace this influence from Jung’s unsuccessful clinical case through other non-clinical experiences to this case’s ultimate influence on the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous.

3)    To understand the value of interdisciplinary approaches to clinical cases such as substance abuse.


Charles R. Fox, O.D., Ph.D., a psychologist and systems neuroscientist, is Professor of Psychology with Worcester State University. He earned the Ph.D. from Brandeis University and the O.D. from New England College of Optometry. He has held fellowships from NASA, Fight-For-Sight, and NIH. He has published book chapters and research articles on space perception and spatial orientation, rehabilitation & clinical care, history of psychology and, most recently on Consciousness Science. This most recent work, which is influenced by a decade of work with Jungian John Ryan Haule, includes the impact of psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung on the modern world and the neuroscience underlying his work.

Date and Time:

Saturday, October 26th, 2024
2 pm – 4 pm
In-person (Space is limited)
Cost: $90

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


To register, please enter the quantity you would like to purchase in the box below. Then click the “Register Now” button.

“C.G. Jung & Alcoholics Anonymous ”
Cost: $90
Quantity =

Jung, Picasso, Chagall and The Genius Archetype- with Olga Turcotte, MIM

Date – November 23, 2024
Time –  1 pm – 3 pm
Cost – $60
On Zoom

Join us to look at and discuss some of Pablo Picasso’s and Marc Chagall’s works from a Jungian point of view; no prior knowledge of their art is necessary!


Pablo Picasso: Child with a Dove, 1901    Marc Chagall, I and the Village, 1911

Jung (1875-1961) and Picasso (1881-1973) were contemporaries, two geniuses in their respective fields who had the ability to delve into the collective unconscious and bring out its contents in a meaningful and relatable form. Their ideas and works deeply reflected the Zeitgeist. Everything Pablo Picasso (!881-1973) created can be labelled as a masterpiece, but in the interest of our limited time, we will focus on those richest in  symbolism and archetypal imagery (Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907, and Guernica, 1937, amongst a few others).

Mark Chagall (1887-1985), an almost-contemporary of Jung, is considered one of the greatest image-makers of the 20th century. He was a lonesome visionary, a citizen of the world, a stranger lost in his inner and also sometimes outer world. Chagall’s use of the canvas to express the inner so as to make sense of the outer, using simple-looking yet symbol-loaded images, is a prime example of how the unconscious works to help us find a balance, and hopefully some meaning, between the two worlds.


Olga E. Turcotte is a lecturer based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the current Public Programs Director at the Institute. She has lived and studied in seven countries and has worked in the fields of corporate finance, non-profit management, consulting and education. Her areas of focus are literature, religion and symbolism.

Date and Time:

Saturday, November 23, 2024
1 pm – 3 pm, (EST) via Zoom
Cost: $60

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


To register, please enter the quantity you would like to purchase in the box below. Then click the “Register Now” button.

“Jung, Picasso, Chagall and The Genius Archetype”
Cost: $60
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