ARCHETYPES OF PLACE AND PLANET: Exploring the Depths Around and Within Us, with Craig Chalquist, Ph.D.

Date – October 15, 2024
Time –  6 pm – 8 pm (EST)
Cost – $60
On Zoom

C.G. Jung behaved as though the things of the world around him – everyday objects, houses, landscapes – were presences that addressed us continually.

“Hence at bottom,” Jung wrote in Man and His Symbols, “the psyche is simply ‘world.’” Terrapsychology follows up on this idea by offering tools for tracing how our possessions, homes, surroundings, and planet show up inside us as complexes, dream figures, moods, and new ideas, and how certain myths seem to favor certain locales.

Join us for a presentation and Q and A that will offer tools for tracing these deep relations that add another dimension to human culture, fill out the depths of our everyday lives, and situate us in the ecological and psychological place conversation or discourse of where we are.


Craig Chalquist, Ph.D., is a former associate provost of Pacifica Graduate Institute and current Academic Program Director of Consciousness,sychology, and Transformation at National University. His first PhD is in depth psychology, which he has taught for nearly two decades, and his second is in Philosophy and Religion. His latest book is the second edition of Terrapsychological Inquiry: Restorying Our Relationship to Nature, Place, and Planet (Routledge 2023). Visit his website


Date and Time:

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
6 pm – 8 pm (EST)
Cost: $60
On Zoom

*If you are in a unique situation and do not have the financial resources to afford our fee, please email us at


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